SciShow Postcard

Collection: SciShow Postcard

SciShow is asking you for help to fund another year of 5-times-a-week, backed-by-research and designed-for-fun science videos. We’ve always relied on your support to keep SciShow going, and that’s true now more than ever. Support us this month and you’ll get a postcard treat from the SciShow team… and a special secret SciShow video!!!

    Did You Know?

    Here at SciShow we make 5 videos a week full of interesting, weird, research-backed science. We’ve done this for 13 years. Last year, our videos got 140 million views. Our videos are funded by ads, sponsors, and YOU. Ads and sponsorship money is unfortunately slowly declining (creators get the same cut whether a video is AI or researched and made by humans!) 

    SciShow has always depended on YOU - and now that’s truly more important than ever! Our 4,000 patrons on Patreon are vital to us—but that’s just a tiny portion of our audience. We know not everyone wants to 

    We’d love your help this month. And in exchange, for a limited time you can get a signed postcard from the SciShow hosts, along with a secret video from Hank Green with a fun and interesting frog fact! You can also get a set of 4 postcards to send to your pals, or a SciShow video script signed by the crew making the video! 

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